PhD studies

PhD studies are a key element and integrated part of the research and education environment at IFRO. IFRO wishes to be known among current and prospective PhD students as an attractive workplace with rewarding scientific collaboration and good PhD education resulting in reflective and critical researchers with a strong academic profile. IFRO has a vibrant and highly international PhD environment with around 50-70 on-going PhD studies at any given time and offers 6-8 PhD courses a year.

Potential PhD students













If you are interested in joining IFRO as a PhD student, you will find all available positions and open calls here:

Vacant positions

TALENT programme

IFRO is part of the TALENT programme. TALENT is a doctoral programme co-funded by the European Union, offering 74 PhD scholarships in the natural and life sciences. The 74 PhD positions will be awarded in the course of four application rounds during its first two years, i.e. in the period 1 August 2018-31 July 2020. However, the programme as such runs for five years, ending on 31 July 2023.


Present PhD students

















Administrative officer Tine Milton is the PhD secretary.
If you have any questions related to PhD administration (contracts, procedures and likewise), you can contact Tine at

PhD coordinators

There is a PhD coordinator in each section of the department.

  • Associate Professor Martin Reinhardt Nielsen (Section for Global Development)
  • Associate Professor Wusheng Yu (Section for Production, Markets and Policy )
  • Associate Professor Wesley Dean (Section for Consumption, Bioethics and Governance)
  • Associate Professor Christian Gamborg (Section for Environment and Natural Resources)







PhD Defences