Md. Nezum Uddin
Sektion for Miljø og Naturressourcer
Rolighedsvej 23
Frederiksberg C
Seneste forskningsartikler
Se alle artikler fra de seneste 12 måneder
- Scales of dispossession: Institutionalizing resource access at the frontier
- Introducing maximum sustainable yield targets in fisheries could enhance global food security
- An analysis of the European aquaculture industry using the aquaculture performance indicators
- A consensus on the definition of positive animal welfare
- A roadmap to sustainable management of commercial medicinal and aromatic plants, fungi, and lichens in Nepal
- Health shock effects on diet: More severe shock—stronger response?
- Is agroforestry a sustainable management system for future coffee production?
- Grafting coffee for sustainability: Improving productivity, plant vigour and soil microbiome
- The importance of practices of collective care: Exploring directions for an alternative productive paradigm fitting our times’ social, economic and ecological requirements
- Willingness to Pay for Hosting Formula One