Xueyuan Leng

Xueyuan Leng

Forsker, Ekstern forsker

Fields of interest

  • DNA Damage Repair
  • Eukaryotic DNA Replication
  • Xenopus cell-free extract system
  • Cell Biology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Eukaryotic Transcription
  • Cancer Biology

Current research

DNA Damage Response and Eukaryotic DNA Replication

  • DNA-protein crosslink (DPC) repair
  • Topoisomerase induced DNA damage repair
  • DNA damage response pathway
  • Eukaryotic replicaiton

Eukaryotic Transcription Kinetics 

Functional gene expression is crucial for proper cellular functions and reproduction. RNA polymerase II (Pol II) plays an irreplaceable role in ensuring function gene expression by conducting the transcription of all genes and coordinating their co-transcriptional mRNA processing events (i.e. splicing). Recently, A kinetic model of transcription offers a better way to understand the connection between transcription and co-transcriptional events. However, obtaining direct support for the biological significance of the kinetic model is often challenging due to pleiotropic effects of perturbing transcription. The transcription elongation speed is a core parameter in the kinetic model of transcription, which is tightly linked to co-transcriptional events. To address the biological significance of transcription speed in plant development we are focusing on the transcription kinetics of Pol II in model plant Arabidopsis

ID: 154544557