Join IFRO Alumni & Friends

This alumni network includes all current and former employees and students (PhD, MSc and BSc) graduated from former IØSL (Dept. of Econ. and Natural Resources); FOI (Food Economics Institute); S&L (Forest & Landscape) - now gathered at IFRO (Dept. of Food and Resource Economics), UCPH. Thus gathering people from former KVL to today's UCPH.

The network also welcomes people interested in following the work of our researchers and activities of our staff. Maybe you heard about us, visited us or collaborated with us? We would love to stay in touch!

Complete the form below with your contact information. Already a member? Use the same form in order to update existing data.

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When agreeing, you automatically sign up for membership of UCPH Alumni incl. the IFRO Alumni and Friends Network. You can always unsubscribe in the newsletters you receive. Membership is free.