12 September 2019

Video: How to make the African food sector more profitable

The team behind the UCPH led project VALOR consisting of three UCPH researchers and researchers from Tanzania, Kenya and Ghana, has worked to find ways to make the African food sector more profitable. They found that value based on environmental impact, culture and landscape could be added to the price and image of among others Ghanaian shea butter, Kenyan honey and Tanzanian Aloe Vera.

The VALOR team believes that the African food sector is and will be rising in the future. This is because there is an increasing awareness and valuation among consumers, in national as well as international markets, of the cultural and landscape values embedded in origin products. Through new regulations and private-public support services, local food producers can protect and market these embedded values and capture the values through higher prices.

The VALOR project ended this August and resulted not only in new opportunities for adding value to the African food sector but also in the graduation of a handfull of new PhD students. All of the PhDs continue to identify new origin products and exploit the new opportunities through different approaches.

Watch the video produced by ALPHAFILM below to hear interviews with the PhD students and learn more about the VALOR project.

VALOR from Alphafilm & Kommunikation on Vimeo.
