Citizens’ knowledge of and perceptions of multi-storey wood buildings in seven European countries

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  • A. Q. Nyrud
  • K. M.A. Heltorp
  • Anders Roos
  • Francisco X. Aguilar
  • Katja Lähtinen
  • Noora Viholainen
  • Sami Berghäll
  • Anne Toppinen
  • Thorsen, Bo Jellesmark
  • Matleena Kniivilä
  • Antti Haapala
  • Elias Hurmekoski
  • T. Hujala
  • H. F. Hoen

This study examined public attitudes towards multi-storey wood buildings (MSWBs) in seven European countries. A questionnaire was distributed to online panellists in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Results from 7007 complete questionnaires indicate that respondents knew less about MSWBs in countries where brick, stone and concrete are the most commonly used house frame elements in construction (United Kingdom, Germany and Denmark) compared to countries with a stronger wood building tradition (Austria, Finland, Norway and Sweden). Respondents in Finland and Sweden had the most positive attitudes towards MSWB. The number of respondents, who considered a prospective apartment in an MSWB appealing, was approximately equal to the number that considered it an unappealing alternative. The factors most influencing the respondents’ perception of MSWBs as a nice place to live were (i) vulnerability to fire, (ii) material solidity and durability, (iii) healthy indoor environment and (iv) vulnerability to moisture. The results from this study add new knowledge to the understanding of cross-country differences of preferences among the public for living in MSWBs. The results can be used to support the MSWB planning and marketing efforts in the countries involved.

Original languageEnglish
JournalScandinavian Journal of Forest Research
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)8-19
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.

    Research areas

  • consumer preferences, consumer survey, multi-storey wood buildings, Timber construction

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