Seminar: Sustainable Cocoa in Ghana

Cocoa seminar

Join key stakeholders in the Danish cocoa sector for a half-day seminar on cocoa, people, agroforestry, sustainability and climate change.

The suitable area for cocoa cultivation is predicted to decrease substantially due to climate change, with dire consequences for farmers’ livelihood and the cost of chocolate. Can shade-grown cocoa offer a solution? This event presents results from the Climate Smart Cocoa in Ghana (CLIMCOCOA) project, which investigated the biophysical and socioeconomic aspects of cocoa agroforestry in times of climate change.

About the CLIMCOCA project

The project studied cocoa agroforestry in Ghana, the second largest producer of cocoa in the world, focusing on:

  • How agroforestry can become a sustainable and
    profitable pathway;
  • The context-specific socioeconomic and biophysical
    factors that impact the potential of agroforestry;
  • The potential of multidisciplinary approaches for
    studying sustainable cocoa.
09:00 Aske Skovmand Bosselmann and Anders Ræbild Welcome and introduction
09:15 Richard Asare, International Institute for Tropical Agriculture Cocoa agroforestry in Ghana – why and how? Introduction to the CLIMCOCOA project
10:00 Coffee and cocoa break
10:30 Anders Ræbild, University of Copenhagen (IGN) Is shade good for cocoa? How shade affects cocoa under stress
10:50 Aske Skovmand Bosselmann, University of Copenhagen (IFRO) Is shade good for farmers?
11:10 Mette Fog Olwig, Roskilde University How to make shade good for cocoa and farmers
11:30 All participants Discussion: How can we increase adoption of cocoa agroforestry?