BCM Closing Event
We are happy to welcome you to the BCM Closing Event. In this interdisciplinary, invitation-only workshop leading researchers in cryptography, game theory and economy will meet to discuss the latest advancements in blockchain research. The event will take place on Monday October 16th and Tuesday October 17th 2023 at Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University
Regstration deadline has passed.
Venue: Nygaard-295 (building 5335, room 295), Finlandsgade 23, 8200 Aarhus N. The room is located on the 2nd floor. Link to Google maps: https://shorturl.at/lETZ0
Programme: https://events.au.dk/bcmclosingevent
Travelling to Aarhus: https://conferences.au.dk/getting-to-aarhus-and-aarhus-university
Accommodation in Aarhus: Please contact adminstrative organizer Malene Andersen: malene.andersen@cs.au.dk
Invitation Letter: Please contact adminstrative organizer Malene Andersen: malene.andersen@cs.au.dk
Reimbursements: Please contact adminstrative organizer Malene Andersen: malene.andersen@cs.au.dk
About BCM: Center for Blockchains and Electronic Markets (BCM) was established in 2019 aiming at exploring the new Web 3.0 infrastructure and studying the design of secure and economically sound markets that ensure efficiency and fairness in a new decentralised economy. BCM is supported by the Carlsberg Foundation under the Semper Ardens Research Projects. Further details can be found on the BCM website: https://bcm.ku.dk/