25 April 2019

An economist’s perspective on Valuing Marine Ecosystems

Blue Economy

Peder Andersen presented at the launch of the EMB Future Science Brief 'Valuing marine ecosystem services'​ at the European Parliament 3 April 2019.

The European Marine Board (EMB) has published a Future Science Brief highlighting current thinking in ecosystem service valuation for the marine environment.

​Photo: Peder Andersen presenting at the European parliment 3 April 2019. EMB, European Marine Board.
​Photo: Peder Andersen presenting at the European Parliament 3 April 2019. EMB, European Marine Board.

An economist’s perspective on Valuing Marine Ecosystems​

EMB launched the brief at the European Parliament 3 April 2019.

As one of the authors of the brief, Peder Andersen, Professor Emeritus at Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO), University of Copenhagen, held the presentation.

​Photo: Peder Andersen (left) at the European parliment 3 April 2019. EMB, European Marine Board.
​Photo: Peder Andersen (left) at the European Parliament 3 April 2019. EMB, European Marine Board.

All the presentations from the launch are available here:
Valuing Marine Ecosystem services - Taking into account the value of ecosystem benefits in the Blue Economy​
