Here you can find an overview of IFRO publications.
A list of the latest 6 months' peer-reviewed articles from IFRO researchers.
IFRO issues a number of publication series, most of which are only published electronically.
From time to time the department also issues special publications - alone or in cooperation with other institutions.
You can find an overview of most of these special publications at the Danish website here.
IFRO publishes a range of policy briefs aimed at improving decision making in government policies.
Help to find a publication
If a listed publication issued by IFRO (or FOI) is unavailable, you can contact either the author or Geir Tveit who might be able to help.
New research articles
All articles from the latest 12 months
- Measuring Heterogeneity of Habitualness in Consumer Behavior
- Different Rules for Plastic Packages: Comparing the Implementation of EU Rules in Sweden and Denmark
- Global review of consumer preferences and willingness to pay for edible insects and derived products
- Farmers in the midst of climate change: an intra-household analysis of gender roles on farmers’ choices of adaptation strategies to salinity intrusion in Vietnam
- The Role of Cooperatives in Promoting Climate‐Smart Agriculture: Panel Evidence From Ethiopia
- Commons as an empty signifier
- Contesting eco-modernist hegemony in Denmark? Green reform nexus and transformative climate advocacy in an established environmental state
- Perceived constraints for psychological restoration in nearby greenspaces. An exploratory and multi-dimensional approach
- Synthetic transitions: the political economy of fossil fuel as feedstock
- Responses to climate change : Perceptions and adaptation among small-scale farmers in Indonesia