IFRO Working Paper
Authors from the Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO) are highlighted below. You can find their profiles in the staff list.
This series consists of manuscripts that are on their way to a peer-reviewed journal. Through 2012 the papers were called 'FOI Working Paper'. The papers are in English and are also issued through RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) and EconStor.
Tidligere Working Papers:
2009 | ||
Number | Title | Author |
6 | Effektmåling af elsparetiltag |
Carsten Lynge Jensen, Troels Fjordbak, Kirsten Gram-Hanssen, Lisbeth Stryhn Rasmussen |
5 | Evaluering af innovationsloven |
Henning Otte Hansen, Katrine Stagaard, Mogens Lund |
4 |
Udvikling af et evalueringsværktøj til innovationsprojekter
Derek Baker, Mogens Lund, Henning Otte Hansen |
3 | Økonomiske konsekvensanalyser af miljøvirkemidler i landbrugssektoren |
Carsten J. Nissen, Alex Dubgaard, Ole Bonnichsen, Jens Abildtrup |
2 |
Fremskrivningsværktøj til belysning af fødevareerhvervenes økonomi |
Jørgen Dejgård Jensen, Henning Otte Hansen, Vøgg Løwe Nielsen |
1 |
Kenneth Baltzer, Hans G. Jensen, Kim M. Lind |
2005 | ||
Number | Title | Author |
7 | Domestic Support and the Doha Development Agenda: An Exercise in Political Economy |
Henrik Zobbe, Hans Grinsted Jensen |
6 | Incorporating Multiple Objectives in Fisheries Management: Experiences and Conceptual Implications | Jens Kjærsgaard |
5 | Potato Production in Europe - A Gross Margin Analysis |
Søren Marcus Pedersen, Jan Bizik, Luisa Dalla Costa, João Coutinho, Frantisek Dolezal, Anna Gluska |
4 | Kontraktproduktion af slagtekyllinger | Jens-Martin Bramsen |
3 | Administration Costs of Agri-Environmental Regulations - Empirical Work | Henrik Huusom |
2 | Forøgelse af naturværdien på landbrugsejendomme - Driftsøkonomiske vurderinger af tiltag |
Jens Abildtrup, Morten Gylling, Christian Vesterager |
1 | Effektmåling ved implementering af The Balanced Scorecard på kvægbedrifter |
Jakob Vesterlund Olsen, Mogens Lund |
Unit of Economics' Working Paper Series | ||
Number | Title | Author |
2004/2 | Optimizing Production under Uncertainty: Generalisation of the State-Contingent Approach and Comparison of Methods for Empirical Application |
Svend Rasmussen |
2004/1 | Permit Trading and Credit Trading - A Comparative Static Analysis with Perfect and Imperfect Competition |
Jan-Tjeerd Boom |
2003/5 | Strategic Choice of Domestic Environmental Policy Instrument and International Emissions Trading Scheme in an Open Economy with Imperfect Competition |
Jan-Tjeerd Boom |
2003/4 | Strategic Choice of International Emissions Trading Scheme in an Open Economy with Perfect Competition |
Jan-Tjeerd Boom |
2003/3 | Estimating the Potential Gains from Mergers |
Peter Bogetoft, Dexiang Wang |
2003/2 | Quota Trading and Profitability: Theoretical Models and Applications to Danish Fisheries |
Jesper Levring Andersen, Peter Bogetoft |
2003/1 |
Driftsøkonomiske tab ved pesticidfri dyrkning af landbrugsafgrøder - Et casestudium |
Svend Rasmussen |
2002/6 | Internet Based Benchmarking |
Peter Bogetoft, Kurt Nielsen |
2002/5 | Landbrugets indkomstproblem - Dogme eller realitet? |
Poul Melgaard, Henrik Zobbe |
2002/4 | European Cooperative Movement - Background and Common Denominators | Jarka Chloupkova |
2002/3 | Polish Agriculture: Organizational Structure and Impacts of Transition |
Jarka Chloupkova
2002/2 | Single Bid Restriction in Milk Quota Exchanges - Comparing the Danish and the Ontario Exchanges |
Peter Bogetoft, Peter Max Friis Jensen, Kurt Nielsen, Henrik Ballebye Olesen, René Olsen |
2002/1 | Czech Agricultural Sector: Organizational Structure and Its Transformation |
Jarka Chloupkova |
2001/16 | Economic and Environmental Efficiency of District Heating Plants |
Per J. Agrell, Peter Bogetoft |
2001/14 | Rational Inefficiencies |
Peter Bogetoft, Jens Leth Hougaard |
2001/13 | Reaping the Gains from Trade: Constraints and Opportunities of Agricultural Credit Markets |
Jarka Chloupkova, Christian Bjørnskov |
2001/12 | The Economic and Historical Foundation of the Common Agricultural Policy in Europe |
Henrik Zobbe |
2001/11 | Issues and Challenges in Regulation Economics |
Per J. Agrell, Peter Bogetoft |
2001/10 | DEA-Based Incentive Regimes in Health-Care Provision |
Per J. Agrell, Peter Bogetoft |
2001/9 | Incentive Problems and Investment Timing Options |
Rick Antle, Peter Bogetoft, Andrew W. Stark |
2001/8 | Efficiency and Merger Gains in the Danish Forestry Extension Service |
Peter Bogetoft, Niels Strange, Bo Jellesmark Thorsen |
2001/7 | Landbrugspolitikkens økonomisk-teoretiske fundament |
Karsten Kyed, Niels Kærgård, Henrik Zobbe |
2001/6 | Discrimination and Strategic Group Division in Tournaments |
Henrik Ballebye Olesen, René Olsen |
2001/5 | Intellektuelle ejendomsrettigheder og økonomisk udvikling | Christian Friis Bach |
2001/4 | Contract Production of Green Peas | Henrik Ballebye Olesen |
2001/3 | Destabilising Stabilisation Policy in a Dynamic Menu Cost Model | Per Svejstrup Hansen |
2001/2 | Den tidlige teoridannelse omkring landbrugets indkomstproblem samt påvirkningen af den fælles landbrugspolitik i Europa | Henrik Zobbe |
2001/1 | Information Based Estimators for the Non-Stationary Transition Probability Matrix: An Application to the Danish Pork Industry | Kostas Karantininis |
2000/8 | Cooperative Supply Chains in Peace and at War |
Per J. Agrell, Kostas Karantininis |
2000/7 | Technological Change and Economies of Scale in Danish Agriculture | Svend Rasmussen |
2000/6 | Information Systems, Incentives and the Timing of Investments |
Rick Antle, Peter Bogetoft, Andrew W. Stark |
2000/5 | Super Efficiency Evaluations Based on Potential Slack |
Peter Bogetoft, Jens Leth Hougaard |
2000/4 | Polarity in DEA Models |
Per J. Agrell, Peter Bogetoft, Jørgen Tind |
2000/3 | Prices versus Ouantities in Monopolistic Competition | Henrik Vetter |
2000/2 | A Comparison of Agricultural Sector Models: CRAM, DRAM, SASM and the KVL Model | Torben Wiborg |
2000/1 | Systembeskrivelse af bedriftsdelen i KRAM |
Klaus Risager |
1999/7 | Allocative Efficiency of Technically Inefficient Production Units |
Peter Bogetoft, Rolf Färe |
1999/6 | The Advantage of Cooperatives under Asymmetric Cost Information |
Peter Bogetoft, Peter M.F. Jensen, René Olsen |
1999/5 | Estimating the Potential Gains from Mergers: The Danish Agricultural Extension Services (available in revised edition 2003/3) |
Peter Bogetoft, Dexiang Wang |
1999/4 | Process Aggregation and Efficiency | Peter Bogetoft |
1999/3 | A Relatively Easy-Access Description of the Logistics, Purposes and Function of the Sector Model KRAM |
Mette Asmild, Torben Wiborg |
1999/2 | Cooperatives' Merger Strategies: The MD Foods - Kløver Mælk Case |
Per J. Agrell, Kostas Karantininis |
1999/1 | A Market-Oriented Approach for Multiple Objective Optimization in Agro-Ecological Land Use Planning | Per J. Agrell |
New research articles
All articles from the latest 12 months
- Measuring Heterogeneity of Habitualness in Consumer Behavior
- Different Rules for Plastic Packages: Comparing the Implementation of EU Rules in Sweden and Denmark
- Global review of consumer preferences and willingness to pay for edible insects and derived products
- Farmers in the midst of climate change: an intra-household analysis of gender roles on farmers’ choices of adaptation strategies to salinity intrusion in Vietnam
- The Role of Cooperatives in Promoting Climate‐Smart Agriculture: Panel Evidence From Ethiopia
- Commons as an empty signifier
- Contesting eco-modernist hegemony in Denmark? Green reform nexus and transformative climate advocacy in an established environmental state
- Perceived constraints for psychological restoration in nearby greenspaces. An exploratory and multi-dimensional approach
- Synthetic transitions: the political economy of fossil fuel as feedstock
- Responses to climate change : Perceptions and adaptation among small-scale farmers in Indonesia