Latest research articles from IFRO
March 2025
- Commons as an empty signifier (I. Rigkos-Zitthen, ...) In: Human Geography
- Contesting eco-modernist hegemony in Denmark? Green reform nexus and transformative climate advocacy in an established environmental state (A. Blok) In: Environmental Politics
- Different Rules for Plastic Packages: Comparing the Implementation of EU Rules in Sweden and Denmark (..., S.H.J. Madsen, T. Hansen) In: Europaraettslig Tidskrift
- Global review of consumer preferences and willingness to pay for edible insects and derived products (..., M.H. Alemu, ...) In: Global Food Security
- Investigating the alignment between stated motivations and revealed preferences for recreational hunting through a hedonic analysis of hunting leases (J.V. Legarth, B.J. Thorsen, T.H. Lundhede) In: Human Dimensions of Wildlife
- Measuring Heterogeneity of Habitualness in Consumer Behavior (H.N. Rønnow, S. Smed, ...) In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics
- Perceived constraints for psychological restoration in nearby greenspaces. An exploratory and multi-dimensional approach (..., J.V. Legarth, ...) In: Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
- The Role of Cooperatives in Promoting Climate‐Smart Agriculture: Panel Evidence From Ethiopia (G.A. Kahsay, Y.G. Endalew) In: Agricultural Economics
February 2025
- Caring for innovation: practices of compassion in health and social care (C. Manfrini, ...) In: Journal of Organizational Ethnography
- Changes in management of owned cats in the countryside: A comparison of results from surveys undertaken in the same rural area of Denmark in 1998 and 2022 (P. Sandøe, ..., T.B. Lund, H. Meilby, ...) In: PLoS ONE
- Developing sufficiency-based sharing principles for absolute environmental sustainability assessment using decent living standards and planetary boundaries (..., J.P. Tilsted, ...) In: Sustainable Production and Consumption
- Farmers in the midst of climate change: an intra-household analysis of gender roles on farmers’ choices of adaptation strategies to salinity intrusion in Vietnam (..., T.T. Pham, ...) In: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
- Hollow infrastructures: The case of Facebook and Israeli civil society (S.A. Duke) In: Telematics and Informatics
- Responses to climate change : Perceptions and adaptation among small-scale farmers in Indonesia (..., M. Nielsen, R. Nielsen) In: Journal of Environmental Management
- Synthetic transitions: the political economy of fossil fuel as feedstock (J.P. Tilsted, ...) In: Review of International Political Economy
- The current state, opportunities and challenges for upscaling private investment in biodiversity in Europe (..., T. Lundhede, Q. Liu, B.J. Thorsen, ...) In: Nature Ecology & Evolution
- Who pays for the ‘pandemic era’ of rising infectious disease in animal production? Emerging questions and dilemmas for states, society, and academia (R.L. Rutt, N.V. Nielsen, H.O. Hansen) In: Ecological Economics
January 2025
- A consensus on the definition of positive animal welfare (... P. Sandøe, ...) In: Biology Letters
- Advancing green recovery: Integrating one health in sustainable wildlife management in the Asia-Pacific Indigenous People and Local Communities (..., M.R. Nielsen, ..., C. Smith-Hall, ...) In: One Health
- An analysis of the European aquaculture industry using the aquaculture performance indicators (R. Nielsen, ...) In: Aquaculture Economics & Management
- A new future for dog breeding (..., P. Sandøe) In: Animal Welfare
- A reform of value-added taxes on foods can have health, environmental and economic benefits in Europe (..., J.D. Jensen, C.G. Bouyssou) In: Nature Food
- A roadmap to sustainable management of commercial medicinal and aromatic plants, fungi, and lichens in Nepal (C. Smith-Hall, ..., T. Treue, M. Pouliot, ..., H. Meilby) In: Conservation Biology
- Chronic enteropathy in dogs affects the quality of life in both dogs and their owners—are veterinarians proficient in handling the caregiver burden? (..., T.B. Lund, P. Sandøe) In: Frontiers in Veterinary Science
- Class dynamics at the margins: Capitalist relations among shea nut collectors in Burkina Faso and Ghana (F. Questiaux, M. Pouliot) In: Journal of Agrarian Change
- Creating, enhancing, and capturing environmental product values: Medicinal and spice plant trade in the Himalayan foothills (..., C. Smith-Hall) In: Trees, Forests and People
- Grafting coffee for sustainability: Improving productivity, plant vigour and soil microbiome (..., A.S. Bosselmann) In: Advances in Botanical Research
- Health shock effects on diet: More severe shock—stronger response? (..., S. Smed) In: Health Economics
- Introducing maximum sustainable yield targets in fisheries could enhance global food security (..., R. Nielsen, M. Nielsen, A. Hoff) In: Communications Earth & Environment
- Is agroforestry a sustainable management system for future coffee production? (..., A.S. Bosselmann, ...) In: Advances in Botanical Research
- Repurposing the grid: Territorialized assets and reconfiguring ties in gas production networks in Denmark (O.B. Hunt) In: Energy Research & Social Science
- Scales of dispossession: Institutionalizing resource access at the frontier (M.B. Rasmussen, C. Lund) In: Journal of Political Ecology
- The importance of practices of collective care: Exploring directions for an alternative productive paradigm fitting our times’ social, economic and ecological requirements (I. Rigkos-Zitthen, ...) In: Thesis Eleven
- Up to half of companies would be behind on their climate targets under stricter scope 2 accounting rules (..., J.F. Lund, ...) In: Environmental Research Letters
- Willingness to Pay for Hosting Formula One (..., S.B. Olsen, ...) In: Journal of Sports Economics
December 2024
- Does quantity matter for distance decay? Evidence from two choice experiments on urban green (..., J.B. Jacobsen, S.B. Olsen, T. Lundhede) In: Resource and Energy Economics
- Dying in the "Southern Macrozone": Eventfulness and Externalities in Chile's Wind Energy Rush (M. Cariola) In: Journal of Latin American Geography
- Eco-certification in aquaculture – Economic incentives and effects (..., R. Nielsen) In: Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture
- Feeding the Family With a Disability or Long-Term Health Condition: Lone-Parent Families at Risk of Food Insecurity in England and Denmark (... K. Ditlevsen) In: Consumers and Consumption in Comparison (Emerald)
- Germinated finger millet supplemented with dry maize cob is a promising diet for the farming of edible grasshopper, Ruspolia differens (..., M.H. Alemu, ...) In: Journal of Insects as Food and Feed
- Great expectations: intersecting markets, conflicting temporalities and the difficulty of shaping markets (..., J.V. Olsen) In: Journal of Marketing Management
- How to pollute a river if you must (..., J. Gudmundsson) In: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
- Hydro-Social Becomings: Rescaling Energy Politics in the Shadows of Vaca Muerta, Argentina (M.B. Rasmussen, ...) In: Journal of Latin American Geography
- Illuminating the care/repair nexus in the ‘pandemic era’, and the potential for care beyond repair in Danish poultry production (R.L. Rutt, A.S. Møller) In: Agriculture and Human Values
- Leaks: The politics of awkward circulations in Latin America's geographies of energy production (..., M. Cariola, ..., M.B. Rasmussen) In: Journal of Latin American Geography
- Mind the income gap: Income from wood production exceed income from providing diverse ecosystem services from Europe’s forests (..., B.J. Thorsen, T. Lundhede, ...) In: Ecosystem Services
- Open science in agricultural economics (..., A. Henningsen, ...) In: Q Open
- The value of quality: implicit prices for consumer groups purchasing prawn at Bangladesh fish markets (..., M. Nielsen, ..., R. Nielsen, ...) In: Journal of Applied Aquaculture
- The Water Framework Directive’s protection of groundwater-dependent terrestrial ecosystems (L. Baaner, H.T. Anker, ...) In: Ambio
November 2024
- Climate change adaptation and land tenure: exploring pastoral adaptation strategies under communal and private land ownership in Kenya (S.J. Rotich, ..., I. Nathan) In: Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability
- Closing the climate information gap? NGO intermediaries in climate information services in Samburu, Kenya (A.A. Mollo, I. Nathan, ...) In: Development in Practice
- Economic performance differentials of coastal and noncoastal pond aquaculture farms in Bangladesh (..., M. Nielsen, ...) In: Aquaculture International
- Is it good to feel bad about unsustainable behaviours? Reflexivity around environmental emotions (R. Sigmer Nielsen, T.B. Lund, C. Gamborg) In: Emotions and Society
- Lessons lost: Lack of requirements for post-project evaluation and reporting is hindering evidence-based conservation (A. Caruana, ...) In: Conservation Science and Practice
- Lifetime health care costs for dogs based on data from seven veterinary clinics in Denmark (..., T. Christensen, P. Sandøe) In: Preventive Veterinary Medicine
- Perceptions of decarbonisation challenges for the process industry in Sweden and Norway (..., T. Hansen, ...) In: Energy and Climate Change
- Promoting practices of sufficiency: reprogramming resource-intensive material arrangements (..., A.K. Juvik, ...) In: Buildings and Cities
- Protection of water resources from agricultural pressures: Embracing different knowledge domains in governance approaches (..., H.T. Anker, ...) In: Environmental Policy and Governance
- Robots in agriculture – A case-based discussion of ethical concerns on job loss, responsibility, and data control (S. Holm, S.M. Pedersen, T.W. Tamirat) In: Smart Agricultural Technology
- The Moral Potential of Eco-Guilt and Eco-Shame: Emotions that Hinder or Facilitate Pro-Environmental Change? (R. Sigmer Nielsen, C. Gamborg) In: Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics
- Transforming the food system with a biomass value hierarchy: Sustainability and policy insights (..., J.V. Olsen, ...) In: Sustainable Production and Consumption
- What matters? A global meta-analysis of environmental income and reliance determinants (G.T. Siltanu, C. Smith-Hall, ...) In: Frontiers in Environmental Economics
October 2024
- Climate-related loss and damage in contexts of agrarian change: differentiated sense of loss from extreme weather events in northeast Cambodia (..., J. Persson, ...) In: Regional Environmental Change
- Dirty lives, wild birds, clean places, and exceptional health: a critical discourse analysis of Danish and Norwegian news coverage of avian influenza risk (..., N.D. Nielsen, ..., R.L. Rutt, ...) In: Health, Risk & Society
- Geostrategic dimensions of recent food policy decisions (..., W. Yu) In: Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
- Inherently spatial: data and analytical insights for the identification of forest socio-ecological hotspots (..., M. Lautrup, ..., A.D.H. Stratton, ..., J.B. Jacobsen) In: Silva Fennica
- Labour abroad as a struggle for land: Young migrants’ dream of a rural return to Myanmar (S. Mortensen) In: Antipode - A Radical Journal of Geography
- On the brink of transition? From pathways to methodological heuristics for improved causal analysis in forest transition research (J. Persson) In: Land Use Policy
- Open Innovation in the Age of AI (..., M. Bogers) In: California Management Review
- Over-reliance on land for carbon dioxide removal in net-zero climate pledges (..., K.L. Christiansen, J.F. Lund, ...) In: Nature Communications
- Potential of integrated multitrophic aquaculture to make prawn farming sustainable in Bangladesh (..., M. Nielsen, ...) In: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
- Scalar orientation of policies and technology legitimacy: The case of decarbonization in Norway (T. Hansen, ...) In: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
- Seeing the limits of voluntary corporate climate action in food and technology sustainability reports (K.L. Chistiansen, J.F. Lund) In: Energy Research & Social Science
- Stated preferences for the colours, smells, and sounds of biodiversity (..., T. Lundhede, ...) In: Ecological Economics
September 2024
- An empirical predator‒prey model: Examining the interaction of Florida panthers, white-tailed deer, and cattle in Florida (..., F. Jensen, H. Meilby) In: Natural Resource Modeling
- Can ecological zoning act as an environmental management tool for protecting regional habitat quality: Causal evidence from the national key ecological function zone in China (..., Y. Huang, ..., H. Han, ...) In: Journal of Cleaner Production
- Carbon removal and the empirics of climate delay (..., J.F. Lund) In: Environmental Science & Policy
- Comparing place meanings of recreational visits to coastal and inland nature (..., J.V. Legarth, ...) In: Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism
- Evaluating the resilience of the cocoa agroecosystem in the Offinso Municipal and Adansi North Districts of Ghana (... S.M. Pedersen, ...) In: Applied Sciences
- “Every idea made life easier:” A critical discourse analysis of creative employee-driven innovation in the Italian healthcare system (C. Manfrini, ...) In: European Journal of Innovation Management
- Perspectives on the integration of agri-entrepreneurship in tertiary agricultural education in Africa: insights from the AgriENGAGE project (..., C.N. Hjortsø, ..., G. Romanova, ...) In: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
- Relegitimising the voluntary carbon market: Visions of digital monitoring, reporting and verification (K.L. Christiansen) In: Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
- Resisting or negotiating wind energy dispossession: class and caste in changing rural Kutch (D. Singh) In: The Journal of Peasant Studies
- Retooling the regulation of net-zero subsidies: lessons from the US Inflation Reduction Act (..., F. Clora) In: Journal of International Economic Law
- The dark side of text-matching software: worries and counterproductive behaviour among European upper secondary school and bachelor students (M.P. Goddiksen, ..., P. Sandøe, T.B. Lund) In: International Journal for Educational Integrity
- Why is welfare pork so expensive? (J.V. Olsen, T. Christensen, S. Denver, P. Sandøe) In: Animal
August 2024
- A cost-benefit analysis of alternative management strategies for red deer in Denmark (F. Jensen, T. Lundhede, ...) In: Environmental Management
- Ethical trade-offs in AI for mental health (S. Holm) In: Frontiers in Psychiatry
- Ghana's cocoa; Farmers' perceptions of climate change and its effect on yield and livelihood (..., S.M. Pedersen, ...) In: Green and Low-Carbon Economy
- How is human socioeconomic position linked with dog ownership practices? A study from Denmark (T.B. Lund, ... P. Sandøe) In: Anthrozoös
- Sociable desires and gendered commitments: Video gaming and food in everyday life (..., T.A.M. Skelly) In: Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies
July 2024
- A flexible policy instrument to encourage externality abatement technologies in salmon aquaculture (..., F. Jensen, ..., R. Nielsen, ...) In: Ecological Economics
- A new regime of dispossession in neo-liberal India? Wind energy, Hindutva, and land politics in Western Gujarat (D. Singh) In: Journal of Contemporary Asia
- Controversies in employee-driven innovation: Exploring the Danish public healthcare (C. Manfrini, ..., C.N. Hjortsø, G. Romanova) In: International Public Management Journal
- Fueling innovation management research: Future directions and five forward-looking paths (..., M. Bogers, ...) In: Journal of Product Innovation Management
- Mapping every adult baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) across the Sahel and relationships to rural livelihoods (K. Huang, ...) In: nature ecology & evolution
- Organizing employee-driven innovation (EDI) through game-based formats: Understanding participation (..., C. Manfrini, ...) In: Creativity and Innovation Management
- Public perception of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage in Denmark: Support or reluctant acceptance? (P. Ugarte-Lucas, J.B. Jacobsen) In: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
- Social life cycle assessment in current and future Norwegian livestock production (..., T. Christensen, ...) In:
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - The contribution of animal antibiotic use to antibiotic resistance in human infections: Panel evidence from Denmark (..., D. Belay, ...) In: One Health
- “We had to become everything”: employee innovation due to COVID-19 in the Italian public healthcare system (C. Manfrini, ...) In: International Journal of Public Sector Management
June 2024
- A competence set for sustainable urban development: framing a research agenda (..., T. Hansen) In: Regional Studies, Regional Science
- CCS technological innovation system dynamics in Norway (..., A.D. Andersen, ..., T. Hansen, ...) In: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
- Does “Dr. Google” improve discussion and decisions in small animal practice? Dog and cat owners use of internet resources to find medical information about their pets in three European countries (..., T.B. Lund, ..., P. Sandøe) In: Frontiers in Veterinary Science
- Environmental, economic, and social sustainability in aquaculture: the aquaculture performance indicators (..., R. Nielsen, ...) In: Nature Communications
- Gene editing cattle for enhancing heat tolerance: a welfare review of the “PRLR-SLICK Cattle” case (..., P. Sandøe) In: NanoEthics
- How aligned are industry strategy and government policy for the decarbonization of energy-intensive process industries? (T. Hansen, ...) In: Climate Policy
- How farmer-herder conflicts reconfigure the authority of politico-legal institutions in Ghana (L.B. Yeboah, ...) In: The Journal of Peasant Studies
- Integrated environmental-economic modelling for cross sectoral water policy evaluation (R. Filippelli, M. Termansen, B. Hasler, ...) In: Water Resources and Economics
- ‘Risk on steroids’: Investing in the hydrogen economy (O.B. Hunt, ...) In:Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
- Social network research and meat reduction: An overview of research directions and results from a study in Denmark (T.B. Lund, ...) In: Cleaner and Responsible Consumption
- Sustainable harvest of a threatened medicinal herb: Empirical evidence for spatially and temporally specific management of Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora (M.R. Poudeyal, H. Meilby, ...) In: Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
- Towards a holistic understanding of artisanal aggregate mining in Rwanda (..., K. Huang, ...) In: The Extractive Industries and Society
- Tracing the contours of the ecosocial project: A review of policy proposals (..., J.F. Lund) In: Journal of Cleaner Production
- Transition Pathways for a Low-Carbon Norway: Bridging Socio-technical and Energy System Analyses (..., A.D. Andersen, ...) In: Aligning the Energy Transition with the Sustainable Development Goals
- Uncertainty and perceived cause-effect help explain differences in adaptation responses between Swidden agriculture and agroforestry smallholders (M. Moure, C. Smith-Hall, ... J.B. Jacobsen) In: Environmental Science & Policy
May 2024
- Carbon storage in a dry Miombo woodland area in Tanzania (..., H. Meilby, T. Treue) In: Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science
- Do People Respond to the Climate Impact of their Behavior? The Effect of Carbon Footprint Information on Grocery Purchases (T.R. Fosgaard, ...) In: Environmental and Resource Economics
- Drivers and barriers to climate-smart agricultural practices and technologies adoption: Insights from stakeholders of five European food supply chains (S.M. Pedersen, K.T. Erekalo, T. Christensen, S. Denver, ...) In: Smart Agricultural Technology
- Hvorfor er labradoodles så poulære, og hvad består de af? Resultater fra en dansk spørgeskemaundersøgelse (..., P. Sandøe) In: Dansk Veterinærtidsskrift
- Impact of climatic and non-climatic factors on shrimp production: Empirical evidence from Bangladesh (..., R. Nielsen, M. Nielsen, ...) In: Aquaculture Economics & Management
- Impact of floods on rice production in West Africa: Micro-evidence from Benin (..., G.B.D. Aihounton) In: Sustainable Environment
- Rightless rurality: the illegalization of Myanmar migrant laborers in Thailand’s agro-industry (S. Mortensen) In: Journal of Peasant Studies
- Transaction fee mechanisms with farsighted miners (J.L. Hougaard, ..., H. Han) In: International Journal of Network Management
April 2024
- Bad avocados, culinary standards, and knowable knowledge. Culturally appropriate rejections of meat reduction (T.A.M. Skelly, K. Ditlevsen) In: Journal of Consumer Culture
- Coding regimes of possession. An essay on land, property, and law (C. Lund) In: Globalizations
- Consumer preferences for attributes in sweet beverages and market impacts of beverage innovation (J.D. Jensen, ...) In: Appetite
- Does organic farming jeopardize food security of farm households in Benin? (G.B.D. Aïhounton, A. Henningsen) In: Food Policy
- Eco-guilt and eco-shame in everyday life: an exploratory study of the experiences, triggers, and reactions
(R.S. Nielsen, C. Gamborg, T.B. Lund) In: Frontiers in Sustainability - Embedded but overlooked values: Ethical aspects of absolute environmental sustainability assessments (..., M. Gjerris) In: Journal of Industrial Ecology
- Incorporating diverse values of nature in decision-making—theory and practice (..., M. Termansen, ...) In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
- Integrity games: an online teaching tool on academic integrity for undergraduate students (M.P. Goddiksen, ...) In: International Journal for Educational Integrity
- Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions through shade systems and climate-smart soil fertility interventions in cocoa landscapes in the Semi-deciduous ecological zone of Ghana (..., S.M. Pedersen) In: Soil Advances
- Multi-system interactions and institutional work: Actor interactions at the interface of residential storage systems and electric vehicles in Germany (..., T. Hansen ...) In: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
- Omkostningen ved tab af biodiversitet i den grønne nettonationalindkomst (J.B. Jacobsen, T. Lundhede) In: Økonomi & Politik
- Omkostninger ved vandmiljøforurening i Danmark (..., J.B. Jacobsen, ...) In: Økonomi & Politik
- Pitfalls for the sustainability of forest transitions: evidence from Southeast Asia (..., J. Persson, ...) In: Environmental Conservation
- Shaping and enhancing resilient forests for a resilient society (..., J.B. Jacobsen, ...) In: Ambio
- Udviklingen i Danmarks grønne nettonationalindkomst, 1990-2020 (..., J.B. Jacobsen) In: Økonomi & Politik
- Værdisætningen af friluftsliv i den grønne nettonationalindkomst (J.B. Jacobsen, T. Lundhede, ...) In: Økonomi & Politik
March 2024
- Animal geographies of industrial animal agriculture in the Pandemic Era: the tragedy and insecurity of multispecies ethnography (..., R.L. Rutt, N.D. Nielsen, ...) In: Scottish Geographical Journal
- Assessing groundwater denitrifcation spatially is the key to targeted agricultural nitrogen regulation (..., B.H. Jacobsen, ...) In: Scientific Reports
- Blockchain-based Decentralized Reward Sharing: The Case of Mining Pools (J. Gudmundsson, J.L. Hougaard) In: ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation
- Business strategies towards climate-smart agriculture in Europe: A literature review (..., S.M. Pedersen) In: Business Strategy and The Environment
- Cat and dog owners’ expectations and attitudes towards advanced veterinary care (AVC) in the UK, Austria and Denmark (..., T.B. Lund, P. Sandøe, ...) In: PLoS ONE
- Coalition stability in international environmental matching agreements (C. Süring, ...) In: Group Decision and Negotiation
- Digital networks of democratic mobilization: Examining performative, material, and rooted approaches (..., H.O. Faxon) In: Annals of the American Association of Geographers
- Farmers’ transition to climate-smart agriculture: A systematic review of the decision-making factors affecting adoption (..., S.M. Pedersen, ..., K.T. Erekalo, ...) In: Sustainability
- Horses for Courses? How rewilding might challenge the ways we care for animals (..., C. Gamborg, P. Sandøe) In: oxford public philosophy
- Killing with care? The potentials at the sustainability/masculinity nexus in an ‘alternative’ Danish slaughterhouse (R.L. Rutt, ...) In: Agriculture and Human Values
- “Metabolic fingerprints” of cachexia in lung cancer patients (..., S.H. Duke, ..., S.H. Holm, T.B. Lund, ... P.Sandøe, ...) In: European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
- Why it matters how biodiversity is measured in environmental valuation studies compared to conservation science (N. Strange, ..., J.B. Jacobsen) In: Biological Conservation
February 2024
- Does fishery activity affect local tourism? Evidence from Denmark (M. Nielsen, …, R. Nielsen, …) In: Marine Policy
- Measuring pleasure from food: validation of the food pleasure scale by multiple techniques and mixed methods (..., W. Dean, C. Squarzon, ...) In: Foods
- Review on the contribution of farming practices and technologies towards climate-smart agricultural outcomes in a European context (K.T. Erekalo, S.M. Pedersen, T. Christensen, S. Denver, ...) In: Smart Agricultural Technology
- Social and economic dimensions of food sustainability – a background paper for the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations (…, L. Holm) In: Food & Nutrition Research
- The role of nature's contributions to people in sustaining international trade of agricultural products (..., K Lancker, ...) In: People. and Nature
January 2024
- Can the Taste of Necessity Be a Taste of Sustainability? an Examination of the American Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (W. Dean) In: Paul B. Thompson's Philosophy of Agriculture
- Consistent patterns of common species across tropical tree communities (..., I. Theilade, ...) In: Nature
- Extending the ethnographic toolbox: photovoice and everyday experiences of marginalised groups (S. Mortensen, F. Questiaux) In: Gender, Place & Culture
- Focusing the ecosystem lens on innovation studies (..., M. Bogers, ...) In: Research Policy
- Health-economic valuation of lowering nitrate standards in drinking water related to colorectal cancer in Denmark (B.H. Jacobsen, ...) In: Science of The Total Environment
- Monitoring and management of common property resources: empirical evidence from forest user groups in Ethiopia (G.A. Kahsay, ...) In: Environment and Development Economics
- National mapping and assessment of ecosystem services projects in Europe: Participants’ experiences, state of the art and lessons learned (..., M. Termansen, ...) In: Ecosystem Services
- Review of environmental challenges in the Bangladesh aquaculture industry (..., R. Nielsen, ...) In: Environmental Science and Pollution Research
- The choice of prawn or shrimp? Lesson from consumer preferences and price acceptance in the Bangladesh wet fish market (..., M. Nielsen, R. Nielsen, ...) In: Aquaculture
- The (dynamic) effect of retirement on food purchases (..., S. Smed, ...) In: The Journal of the Economics of Ageing
- The traffic light system. Is it a solution to a nonpoint pollution problem? (F. Jensen, ..., R. Nielsen) In: Aquaculture Economics & Management
December 2023
- A social and ethical game-changer? An empirical ethics study of CRISPR in the salmon farming industry (H. Winther, ..., L. Holm, ...) In: Environmental Values
- Better us later than me now —: Regulatee-size and time-inconsistency as determinants of demand for environmental policies (M. Alt) In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics
- Can Agroforestry Provide a Future for Cocoa? Implications for Policy and Practice (..., A.S. Bosselmann) In: Agroforestry as Climate Change Adaptation: The Case of Cocoa Farming in Ghana
- Citizens’ knowledge of and perceptions of multi-storey wood buildings in seven European countries (..., B.J. Thorsen, ...) In: Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research
- Does agricultural intensification pay in the context of structural transformation? (G. Aihounton, ...) In: Food Policy
- Food for thought: A meta-analysis of animal food demand elasticities across world regions (C. García Bouyssou, J.D. Jensen, W. Yu) In: Food Policy
- Household Economics of Cocoa Agroforestry : Costs and Benefits (S.A. Boadi, A.S. Bosselmann, ...) In: Agroforestry as Climate Change Adaptation: The Case of Cocoa Farming in Ghana
- Imperfections-as-Practice: Projects as Becoming Processes of Imperfections (S.M. Xu. M. Bogers) In: Project Management Journal
- Introduction: Climate, Cocoa and Trees (..., H. Meilby, ...) In: Agroforestry as Climate Change Adaptation: The Case of Cocoa Farming in Ghana
- Om planlægningsmæssigt relevante hensyn og bæredygtighed i lokalplanlægningen (M.C.S. Greve, H.T. Anker) In: Juristen
- Open innovation in the public sector: A literature review on actors and boundaries (..., M. Bogers) In: Technovation
- Social Challenges and Opportunities in Agroforestry: Cocoa Farmers’ Perspectives (A.S. Bosselmann, S.A. Boadi, ...) In: Agroforestry as Climate Change Adaptation: The Case of Cocoa Farming in Ghana
- Social Differentiation and Household Dynamics Associated with Early Season Shea Nut Collection and Trading in Burkina Faso
(F. Questiaux) In: Forum for Development Studies - The impact of voluntary sustainability adjustments on greenhouse gas emissions from food consumption: The case of Denmark (J. Nordström, S. Denver) In: Cleaner and Responsible Consumption
- Theorising and analysing the forest-based bioeconomy through a global production network lens (C. Smith-Hall, …) In: Forest Policy and Economics
- The public’s intention to vote for continued use of woody biomass for energy in Denmark: a cognitive hierarchy perspective (P. Ugarte Lucas, T.B. Lund, C. Gamborg) In: Energy, Sustainability and Society
- The role of material resources for rapid technology diffusion in net-zero transitions: Insights from EV lithium-ion battery Technological Innovation System in China (..., A.D. Andersen) In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Research articles from IFRO
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