Food for thought: A meta-analysis of animal food demand elasticities across world regions

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Animal food products are featured prominently in current debates on dietary transitions. Food demand projections and policy evaluations often draw on expenditure and price elasticity estimates; thus, it is crucial that these elasticities are robust at an adequate product disaggregation, well-founded, and comparable both across products and countries. To the extent of our knowledge, there is no analysis providing meta-elasticities for all world regions, all food groups, and disaggregated animal foods. In this study, we cover this gap and collect a database with more than 50,000 demand elasticities from 444 studies and 87 countries. As 50% of our sample involves animal food products, we are able to provide food demand meta-elasticities for 14 food groups, of which ten are animal food. We present a set of estimated expenditure, own-price, and cross-price; unconditional and conditional; and uncompensated and compensated elasticities; and discuss their policy implications.
Original languageEnglish
Article number102581
JournalFood Policy
Number of pages18
Publication statusPublished - 2024

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