Conference on advantages and disadvantages of strong user rights in fisheries

The conference is jointly organized by SNF Centre for Applied Research at NHH, Bergen, University of Iceland and University of Copenhagen.
Venue: Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen, Rolighedsvej 23, 1958 Frederiksberg
Keynote Speakers:
- Professor Gordon Munro, University of British Columbia
See the presentation "User Rights in International Fisheries: From UNCLOS to the High Seas Treaty" - Professor Gary Libecap, University of California, Santa Barbar
See the presentation "Conservation of Ocean Ecosystem Resources: Use of Strong User Rights and Markets rather than Centralized Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)" - Former Senior Fishery Officer Rebecca Metzner, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome
See the presentation "Advantages and Disadvantages of Strong User Rights in Fisheries" - Professor Ragnar Arnason, University of Iceland
See the presentation "Strong User Rights in Fisheries: Some considerations" - Associate Professor Birgir Þór Runólfsson,University of Iceland
See the presentation "Measuring the Quality of Property Rights: Evolution from Weak to Strong User Rights in the Icelandic" - Professor Trond Bjørndal, SNF Centre for Applied Research at NHH, Bergen
See the presentation "The Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean Bluefin Tuna Fishery: Back From The Brink" - Associate Professor Frank Jensen, Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen
See the presentation "Advantages and Disadvantages of Introducing Strong User Rights in Fisheries"
General Speakers:
- Anders Skontoft, Economic Department, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
See the presentation "Natural resource management and rent creation. Some Norwegian experiences" - Benjamin Dudouet, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Equalsealab
See the presentation "The role of Producer. Organisations (POs) in the allocation and consumption of fishing quotas:
case study on Bay of Biscay sole" - Hans Ellefsen, The University of the Faroe Islands
See the presentation "Fisheries in the Faroes: Strange Policies, Strange Results" - Helge Berglann, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
See the presentation "Individual Transferable Quotas: the role of Flexibility and Market power" - Lena Westlund, FAO, Italy
See the presentation "Blue Tenure: Regimes, Rights and Responsibilities" - Martin Quaas, Leipzig University and German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)
See the presentation "Distributional Effects of Natural Resource Privatization: A Dynamic Analysis" - Max Nielsen, Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen
See the presentation "Can voluntary arrangements secure Spring 2021 coastal fishery survival under ITQs? The case of Denmark" - Michael De Alessi, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington
See the presentation "Back to the Future of Fisheries: Using Historical Reconstructions of Fishery Performance Indicators (FPIs) to Assess the Performance of Quota Managed Fisheries" - Ralf Doering, Thünen Institute
See the presentation "Fisheries transitions in times of crisis and changes are strong property rights the appropriate answer?" - Rasmus Nielsen, Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen
See the presentation "A case study of Access Rights in Mixed Demersal Fisheries" - Rodney Beard, Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA)
See the presentation "The economics of optimal fisheries license fees" - Staffan Waldo, AgriFood Economics Centre, SLU
See the presentation "Preparing for ITQs in Swedish Demersal Fisheries" - Yong Hao Tan, University of Stavanger
See the presentation "Fishery Tales and Network Trails. Exploring the Changing Patterns of Fisheries Connectivity in Norway" - Zvonimir P. Đ. Mrdalo, The University of the Faroe Islands
See the presentation "User Rights in the Fisheries and Salmon Farming of the Faroe Islands*"
General sessions
Each presentation is maximum 30 minutes including 10 minutes for questions and discussion.
Conference proceedings
Participants who are interested can publish their abstract in a book with conference proceeding.
Registration and conference fee
For participating in the conference you must pay a fee on 195 EUR. The conference fee cover coffee, lunch, conference dinner and conference proceedings and must be paid at registration but no later than 16. September
Travel and accommodation must be organized and paid by yourself. We have pre-booked some single rooms at CABINN Scandinavia (621 DKK per night). The hotel is within walking distance to the conference venue. Book directly here and get a 10% discount: CABINN Scandinavia - CABINN hotels and use the code: CABINN2023
Ragnar Arnason, University of Iceland, Trond Bjørndal, SNF Centre for Applied Research at NHH and Frank Jensen, Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen
Contact regarding scientific questions:
Ragnar Arnason (e-mail:, Trond Bjørndal (e-mail: or Frank Jensen (e-mail: