Management Science and Production Economics (MSAP)


The overall mission of Management Science and Production Economics (MSAP) is to establish a forum for scientific exchange and cooperation between leading researchers and practitioners within the fields of Management Science and Production Economics.

The centre aims to bring together knowledge from the academic world and the relevant industries for mutual benefit. MSAP further aims to provide an ideal basis for the training of young researchers as well as the diffusion of knowledge for relevant groups within both the public and private sector.

MSAP is hosted by the Department of Food and Resource Economics at the University of Copenhagen.
















We invite practitioners from the industry, public organisations and NGOs to take part in the activities that we offer. Most of our research, either is or can be directly linked to real life economic situations. 

Based on our previous experience we know that interaction between researchers and practitioners can be of mutual benefit. Practitioners can challenge researchers e.g. by changing existing research questions or raise new and relevant ones. Also, researchers may challenge practitioners' views on economic situations or directly suggest alternative approaches.

A part from the academic events such as workshops and seminars, we provide two services that particularly aim at facilitating a direct and informal interaction between practitioners, researchers and master students looking for research topics (future employees):

  • Academic Sparring ; where we provide an informal forum for practitioners to get an academic view on real-life practical issues. The idea is to invite practitioners to present and discuss practical problems with researchers from the centre in order to facilitate a mutual exchange of knowledge and ideas.
  • Matchmaking day ; where students who are about to write their masters thesis can meet and discuss potential topics with members of the industry. The aim is to match practitioners' problems with students interests and researchers' competences. 
























MSAP Working Paper Series




Name Title Phone E-mail
Arne Henningsen Associate Professor +4535332274 E-mail
Ayoe Hoff Senior Researcher +4535336896 E-mail
Henning Otte Hansen Senior Adviser +4535333432 E-mail
Jens Leth Hougaard Professor +4535336814 E-mail
Kurt Nielsen Associate Professor +4535332316 E-mail
Mette Asmild Professor +4535336886 E-mail
Rasmus Nielsen Professor +4535332293 E-mail