Goytom Abraha Kahsay
Associate Professor
Sektion for Produktion, Markeder og Politik
Rolighedsvej 23
Frederiksberg C
Telephone: +4535336830
Area of work
Assistant professor, tenure track
New research articles
All articles from the latest 12 months
- Synthetic transitions: the political economy of fossil fuel as feedstock
- Responses to climate change : Perceptions and adaptation among small-scale farmers in Indonesia
- Open science in agricultural economics
- Changes in management of owned cats in the countryside: A comparison of results from surveys undertaken in the same rural area of Denmark in 1998 and 2022
- Investigating the alignment between stated motivations and revealed preferences for recreational hunting through a hedonic analysis of hunting leases
- The current state, opportunities and challenges for upscaling private investment in biodiversity in Europe
- Who pays for the ‘pandemic era’ of rising infectious disease in animal production? Emerging questions and dilemmas for states, society, and academia
- Caring for innovation: practices of compassion in health and social care
- Developing sufficiency-based sharing principles for absolute environmental sustainability assessment using decent living standards and planetary boundaries
- Hollow infrastructures: The case of Facebook and Israeli civil society