Raphael Filippelli

Raphael Filippelli


I am an environmental economist with a focus on integrated environmental-economic modeling for policy support.

Research areas

My research so far focuses on non-point source pollution from agriculture and the implementation of water quality trading markets.

I am currently working on expanding the modeling framework to consider concurrent targets, including N loss reduction, P loss reduction, biodiversity, climate mitigation, and recreation areas.

Recent publications

  • "Water quality trading markets: Integrating land and marine based measures under a smart market approach" in Ecological Economics
  • "Descriptions of marine measures: Mussel farming" in Marine measures: Description of the effects of the measures and status of the knowledge base,
  • "Cost-effectiveness of mussel farming as a water quality improvement measure: Agricultural, environmental and market drivers" in Water Resources and Economics
  • "Marine tools and N/P - status 2020" in Water & Soil.

I have also been a contributor to several reports, including "Policy guidelines for implementation of mussel cultivation as a mitigation measure for coastal eutrophication in the Western Baltic Sea" by Danish Shellfish Centre, National Institute of Aquatic Resources and reports to the Danish Water Plans.

Research interests

My research interests include integrated modeling, water quality, agriculture, marine measures, nutrient reduction, and policy guidelines. I am particularly interested in the integration of environmental and economic factors to support decision making in policy development.

ID: 136824509