Perspectives on stakeholder participation in the design of economic experiments for agricultural policymaking: Pros, cons, and twelve recommendations for researchers

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  • Julia Höhler
  • Jesús Barreiro-Hurlé
  • Mikołaj Czajkowski
  • François J. Dessart
  • Paul J. Ferraro
  • Tongzhe Li
  • Kent D. Messer
  • Leah Palm-Forster
  • Termansen, Mette
  • Fabian Thomas
  • Katarzyna Zagórska
  • Zemo, Kahsay Haile
  • Jens Rommel

Economic experiments have emerged as a powerful tool for agricultural policy evaluations. In this perspective, we argue that involving stakeholders in the design of economic experiments is critical to satisfy mandates for evidence-based policies and encourage policymakers' usage of experimental results. To identify advantages and disadvantages of involving stakeholders when designing experiments, we synthesize observations from six experiments in Europe and North America. In these experiments, the primary advantage was the ability to learn within realistic decision environments and thus make relevant policy recommendations. Disadvantages include complicated implementation and constraints on treatment design. We compile 12 recommendations for researchers.

Original languageEnglish
JournalApplied Economic Perspectives and Policy
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)338-359
Number of pages22
Publication statusPublished - 2024

    Research areas

  • agricultural policy, agriculture, behavioral economics, experimental economics, participatory research, INVOLVEMENT, CHALLENGES

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ID: 348165558