Models can enhance science–policy–society alignments for climate change mitigation

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  • Davide Cammarano
  • Jørgen Eivind Olesen
  • Katharina Helming
  • Christine Helen Foyer
  • Martin Schönhart
  • Gianluca Brunori
  • Keerthi Kiran Bandru
  • Marco Bindi
  • Gloria Padovan
  • Thorsen, Bo Jellesmark
  • Florian Freund
  • Diego Abalos
Climate change mitigation in agri-food systems is hindered by the weak interconnection between research, policy and societal action. Modelling tools, together with international superordinate bodies and stakeholder-inclusive assessment frameworks, can support a better alignment between these three pillars of human progress.
TidsskriftNature Food
Sider (fra-til)632–635
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This work was conducted as part of the Science-Policy Knowledge Forum (MACSUR SciPol) project under the framework of the European FACCE-JPI. D.A., J.E.O. and D.C. thank the iCLIMATE center of Aarhus University. K.K.B., K.H. and F.F. acknowledge funding from the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), through the projects FKZ 2821ERA03J and 2821ERA04J. C.H.F. was supported by a BBSRC Grant (BB/N004914/1). M.B. and G.P. acknowledge the support received via SYSTEMIC, a knowledge Hub funded through a joint action under the ERA-NET ERA-HDHL (no. 696295). M.S. received funding from SALBES, a Joint BiodivERsA-Belmont Forum project with national funding by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF I-4009).

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