"The agenda for the indigenous movement is far-reaching, it goes beyond Reserves": Interview with Fermin Chimatani Tayori, president of ANECAP

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Fermin Chimatani Tayori is an indigenous Harakbut leader from Puerto Luz, Madre de Dios (Peru). He was twice president of the Executor of the Amarakaeri Communal Reserve Administration Contract (ECA Amarakaeri). He is currently president of the National Association of Executors of the Communal Reserves Administration Contract (ANECAP). Recognized by the Peruvian state, Communal Reserves are direct use Protected Natural Areas. These represent an innovative initiative for the coadministration of conservation between indigenous organizations in the Peruvian Amazon and the National Service for Protected Natural Areas (SERNANP). In this interview, Fermin Chimatani Tayori shares his experiences as a key actor in conceptualizing and executing of this process.

OriginalsprogFlere sprog
TidsskriftDebates en Sociologia
Udgave nummer54
Sider (fra-til)175-187
Antal sider13
StatusUdgivet - 2022


  • conservation, Protected Natural Areas, Communal Reserves, indigenous movement, Peru

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