Decision-Support Tools Used in the Baltic Sea Area: Performance and End-User Preferences

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  • Henrik Nygård
  • Floris M. van Beest
  • Lisa Bergqvist
  • Jacob Carstensen
  • Bo G. Gustafsson
  • Hasler, Berit
  • Johanna Schumacher
  • Gerald Schernewski
  • Alexander Sokolov
  • Marianne Zandersen
  • Vivi Fleming

Decision-support tools (DSTs) synthesize complex information to assist environmental managers in the decision-making process. Here, we review DSTs applied in the Baltic Sea area, to investigate how well the ecosystem approach is reflected in them, how different environmental problems are covered, and how well the tools meet the needs of the end users. The DSTs were evaluated based on (i) a set of performance criteria, (ii) information on end user preferences, (iii) how end users had been involved in tool development, and (iv) what experiences developers/hosts had on the use of the tools. We found that DSTs frequently addressed management needs related to eutrophication, biodiversity loss, or contaminant pollution. The majority of the DSTs addressed human activities, their pressures, or environmental status changes, but they seldom provided solutions for a complete ecosystem approach. In general, the DSTs were scientifically documented and transparent, but confidence in the outputs was poorly communicated. End user preferences were, apart from the shortcomings in communicating uncertainty, well accounted for in the DSTs. Although end users were commonly consulted during the DST development phase, they were not usually part of the development team. Answers from developers/hosts indicate that DSTs are not applied to their full potential. Deeper involvement of end users in the development phase could potentially increase the value and impact of DSTs. As a way forward, we propose streamlining the outputs of specific DSTs, so that they can be combined to a holistic insight of the consequences of management actions and serve the ecosystem approach in a better manner.

TidsskriftEnvironmental Management
Udgave nummer6
Sider (fra-til)1024-1038
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - dec. 2020
Eksternt udgivetJa

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
The study received funding from BONUS (Art. 185), funded jointly by the EU, the Academy of Finland, Innovation Fund Denmark and the Swedish Research Council FORMAS. J.S. was supported by the Doctorate Study program in Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Klaipeda University.

Funding Information:
We wish to thank the experts involved in filling DST templates and the DST developers/hosts for checking the templates and providing information on the development of the tools and their experiences in usage of the tools. End users and stakeholders are also thanked for their input on their preferences on DST characteristics. Open access funding provided by Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE). The study received funding from BONUS (Art. 185), funded jointly by the EU, the Academy of Finland, Innovation Fund Denmark and the Swedish Research Council FORMAS. J.S. was supported by the Doctorate Study program in Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Klaipeda University.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020, The Author(s).

ID: 324690964