Teaching open innovation using a game: some lessons and recommendations

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiUndervisning


This chapter presents how to use a game to teach open innovation, based on
a particular experience from which lessons and recommendations are drawn.
The focus is on playing a board game in a graduate course of the international
engineering program with a focus on innovation and busniess. We identify several
important themes related to the process of learning through playing and the social
dynamics of open innovation, while we also highlight possible caveats of “playing”
and practicing open innovation.
TitelInnovation education reloaded : Nurturing skills for the future. The open innovation handbook
RedaktørerAnne-Laure Mention, Arie P. Nagel, Joachim Hafkesbrink, Justyna Dąbrowska
Antal sider21
ForlagThe Open Innovation Network
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-952-335-033-5
StatusUdgivet - 2017

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