3 December 2018

Christmas gift ideas: Books with a touch of IFRO


Looking for the perfect gift for the book worm with a love of research? Search no more. IFRO's researchers got you covered.

Christmas is getting close, and it can be diffucult finding the right gift.
We are happy to provide some inspiration with this list of the newest books published by the researchers from Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO), University of Copenhagen.

Happy holidays from all of us at IFRO!

Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

This book is a collection of peer reviewed contributions addressing various legal aspects of sustainable management of natural resources. Natural resources are in this book understood in broad terms encompassing biodiversity, water, air and soil, as well as raw materials.

Helle Tegner Anker, Birgitte Egenlund Olsen (ed)


Rule and Rupture: State Formation Through the Production of Property and Citizenship

The authers combine the latest theory on property rights and citizenship with extensive fieldwork to provide a more complex, nuanced assessment of political states commonly viewed as “weak,” “fragile,” and “failed”.

Christiand Lund, Michael Eilenberg


(Only available in Danish)

Naturens Sprog

Bogens indeholder 20 essays fra mennesker, der på forskellig vis beskæftiger sig intenst med naturen. Bogen indeholder bl.a. bidrag fra biolog og forsanger i Magtens Korridorer Johan Olsen, meteorolog og klimaekspert Jesper Theilgaard, biolog, forsker og debattør Rasmus Ejrnæs, og biolog og museumsinspektør på Naturhistorisk Museum i Aarhus Morten D. D. Hansen.

Mickey Gjerris, Cecilie Rubow (red.)

(Only available in Danish)

Skildpaddetanker - fra en forurroliget verden

I Skildpaddetanker skriver Mickey Gjerris fra en foruroliget verden – om det, der er så banalt, at det burde være let at få øje på, men alligevel hele tiden flimrer bort i hverdagens hamsterhjul.  Læs blandt andet om at håbe på, at de voksne nok skal komme og ordne det hele – og indse, at man selv er voksen; om morgenkaffe og skyld; om dyrevelfærd og klima; om amerikansk fodbold og aktiv dødshjælp – og om at finde overskud til at sige ”pyt”.

Mickey Gjerris


Limits to Decolonization

The book addresses one of the most important issues in contemporary indigenous politics: struggles for territory. Based on the experience of thirty-six Guaraní communities in the Bolivian Chaco, Anthias reveals how two decades of indigenous mapping and land titling have failed to reverse a historical trajectory of indigenous dispossession in the Bolivian lowlands.

Penelope Anthias


Allocation in Networks

A comprehensive overview of networks and economic design, presenting models and results drawn from economics, operations research, and computer science; with examples and exercises.

Jens Leth Hougaard


Contract Farming and the Development of Smallholder Agricultural Businesses

Contract farming has received renewed attention recently as developing economies try to grapple with how to transform the agricultural sector and its associated value chains. This book examines different contract arrangements for selected crops, applying both qualitative and quantitative approaches in order to examine how contract farming affects smallholders and value chain dynamics in Tanzania.

Joseph A. Kuzilwa, Niels Fold, Arne Henningsen, Marianne Nylandsted Larsen


Transforming Food and Agricultural Policy: Post-exceptionalism in public policy

This book introduces the concept of ‘post-exceptionalism’ to characterize an incomplete transformation of exceptionalist policies and politics which preserves significant exceptionalist features. Food and agriculture policy serves as an example to illustrate an incomplete transformation towards a more open, contested and networked politics.

Carsten Daugbjerg, Peter H. Feindt


Strategic Challenges and Solutions in Agro and Food Companies

This book describes 11 examples where agro and food companies have met strategic challenges and where these companies have made a wide range of choices based on market and company analyses.

Henning Otte Hansen


Animal Ethics in Animal Research

This book provides an overview of the central ethical issues of animal research focusing on the interconnectedness of science, law and ethics. It aims to make theoretical ethical reasoning understandable to non-ethicists and provide tools to improve ethical decision making on animal research.

Helena Röcklinsberg, Mickey Gjerris, I. Anna S. Olsson


Sæt pris på naturen

I bogen introducerer forskere en række overvejelser, som knytter sig til anvendelse af værdisætningsstudier til brug for forberedelsen af politiske beslutninger. Der gives også et overblik over en række af de vigtigste danske studier gennem tre årtier, som ”sætter pris på naturen” samt en introduktion til de mest almindelige metoder inden for værdisætning.

Gratis e-bog

Artikel om 'Sæt pris på naturen'

Jesper Sølver Schou, Bo Jellesmark Thorsen (red.)

(Only available in Danish)

De Økonomiske Råds årsrapporter

De Økonomiske Råds rapporter kan hentes ganske gratis, hvis du mangler lidt læsning til de lange juledage eller skal sende en elektronisk adventsgave til den økonomiinteresserede.

Lars Gårn Hansen. vismand
