Christian Lund

Christian Lund


I am Chair of Global Develoment and professor of Development, Resource Management, and Governance. I have a PhD in International Development Studies


Primary fields of research

My research focuses local politics and the dynamics of property in developing societies. I investigate how socio-legal conflicts over citizenship and land feed into state formation processes. Field experience: Niger, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Mali, Laos and Indonesia. I directed the ProCit research programme from 2012-16, and I am currently directing the ERC Advanced Grant programme Rule and Rupture (2016-20, I have supervised 37 PhD students and 8 post docs since 2000

Current research

See above


I am course responsible for the MSc course Global Politics. In addition, I contribute to Practicing Interdisciplinarity and Critical Development Studies.

Possible conflicts of interest

Since 2018, I have been on the board of the Danish Institute for International Studies, DIIS. I receive a small honorarium.


ID: 40929372