Kurt Nielsen

Kurt Nielsen


Medlem af:

    PhD in Business Economics as combined graduate studies at University of Copenhagen, University of Toronto and University of California at Berkeley (graduated in 2004). 

    Primarily Operational Research, Productivity Analysis, Decision Theory, Economics of Information Security, Mechanism Design and in particular Auctions. Current main research affiliations:

    Some previous projects: SCET - Secure Computation Economy and Trust (The Danish Council for Strategic Research, 2004-2006); SIMAP - Secure Information Management and Processing (The Danish Council for Strategic Research, 2006-2009); COBE - Confidential Benchmarking (The Danish Research Council, 2010-2013); CFEM - Center for Research in the Foundations of Electronic Markets (The Danish Council for Strategic Research 2010-2016); BDbS - Big Data by Security (The Danish Industry Foundation, 2015-2017); Future Cropping (Innovation Fund Denmark, 2015-2020).

    Decision Theory, Operational Analysis, Contracts and Cooperatives, Industrial Organization and Production Economics.

    Potential conflict of interests
    Kurt Nielsen is co-founder of more high tech startups aiming at commercialising advance cryptography. This work was initiated by the university spinout Partisia. As entrepreneur and researcher Kurt Nielsen work part-time across University of Copenhagen, Partisia and associated projects such as the Partisia Blockchain Foundation. He has also been working as consultant on market design and regulatory issues in the energy and financial sector.

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