International trade and specialisation between Europe and Asia: the case of Fur

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleResearchpeer-review

The objective of this paper is to analyze, quantify and explain trade patterns and international specialisation within fur skin and fur garments focusing on Europa and Asia as two major trading partners. Data is provided from international trade statistics, national statistical institutions and organizations. The analyses combine international trade theories with trade statistics and in this way results and conclusions are presented.
The analyses show that international trade with fur skin products between Asia and Europe has increased remarkably during the recent decades. Europe accounts for a major share of world production and export of raw fur skin, and Asia accounts for the major part of the subsequent processing. This means that there is a significant export of raw fur skin from Europe to Asia, and a major export of fur garments from Asia to Europe including Russia. The conclusion is, that there is a major international trade of both fur skin and fur garments between Europe and Asia, and that the international specialisation in this sector is high.
Original languageEnglish
Issue number3/4
Pages (from-to)273-278
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventInternational Scientific Congress in Fur Animal Production - Helsinki, Finland
Duration: 23 Aug 201626 Aug 2016
Conference number: XI


ConferenceInternational Scientific Congress in Fur Animal Production

ID: 178249415