Ester and Mogens Boserup: and some Fundamental Ideas in Economics and Development

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearch

Mogens and Ester Boserup were both Danish economists. Mogens is almost forgotten nowadays, whilst Ester is remembered mainly for her ideas in two specific areas (an anti-Malthusian growth theory, and emphasising the central role of women in development). This represents, however, a very fragmented picture of their contributions, which all seem to stem from their experiences as participants in the Danish debate of the 1930s, and from their international work in Geneva, India and Africa. Almost all their contributions seem to be specific manifestations of the basic ideas that they both shared.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2015
Number of pages19
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventNordic Conference in Development Economics - CSS, København, Denmark
Duration: 15 Jun 201516 Jun 2015


ConferenceNordic Conference in Development Economics

ID: 224551783