Agricultural Transformation by Innovation (AgTraIn) (2011-2016)

The AgTraIn programme has defined a common foundation which all doctoral candidates must build on regardless of research topic and institutions.

  • Participation in three obligatory joint doctoral courses for all candidates run in connection to the annual workshop;
  • All doctorates must actively communicate their research to an external audience and conferences, popular scientific outputs, briefs and press releases, etc.
  • All doctoral candidates must engage in limited teaching activities in relation to their thesis subject.

In AgTraIn, the emphasis is on applied research. Doctoral candidates will therefore typically do fieldwork (in a wide sense) and it is encouraged, starting already in the project formulation phase, that fieldwork be conducted in connection with stays at Associate Partners, who will contribute with hosting and co-supervising functions

Funding and collaboration

AgTraIn is part of the Erasmus+: Erasmus Mundus programme initiated by the European Commission to enhance and promote European higher education throughout the world.

The programme is jointly developed and delivered by a six-university consortium consisting of:

  • University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Universita degli Studi di Catania, Italy
  • University College of Cork, Ireland
  • Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
  • Montpellier SupAgro, France
  • Wageningen University, The Netherlands