ANDESCROP (2010-2015)

The ANDESCROP project aims to identify durable solutions for Andean agriculture based on the competent utilisation of local agro-biodiversity.
Motivated by the current problems arising from the increase in the demand and production of Quinoa Real in the southern departments of Potosi and Oruro, Bolivia, the need for addressing problems associated with agricultural production under ecologically fragile conditions is urgent.

The obvious methods based on the utilisation of high value Andean crops involve the enhancement of research capacity within genetic resources, production, food security and marketing. This approach will serve to ensure durable increase of farmer’s production, consumption, sale and income from these nutritive crops, while reducing endemic malnutrition, in such a way as to guarantee food security.
The need for implementing the project is urgent, as several of the crops and their wild relatives are endangered due to competition from imported, low quality bulk products. Therefore, these genetic resources must be used and promoted in order to avoid loss of unique organic, high quality and nutritious foods and market opportunities of considerable present and future potential.


  • Agro-biodiversity richness
    Increase information on genetic resources through characterisation of the Andean crop diversity, current status and traditional knowledge associated with conservation and use
  • Organic farming system
    Establish organic production scenarios which better respond to socio-economic and environmental conditions, and which permit to improve productivity and quality of Andean crops through sustainable use of the resources of plant, soil and water
  • Food security and economics
    Contribute to the understanding of the socio-economic role of rural communities regarding the sustainable management of Andean crops, with the purpose to increase use and consumption in the family, and to improve market access of these crops

Research topics

  • Inclusion of smallholders in agribusiness markets
  • Institutional dimensions of public purchase programs targeting smallholders
  • School breakfast program