INTERACT - INvesTigating thE micRofoundAtions of socioeconomic impaCt of universiTy-industry relations
This research project explores the microfoundations that underlie the transmission of knowledge from university to industry and that will ultimately lead to socioeconomic impact.
Marcel Bogers
+45 35 33 10 65
You can find a project description here.
Here you can find news about the project:
INTERACT Symposium 2018:
The Role of University Strategies for Interaction with Industry
The aim of the symposium is to explore how we can better understand the role of university strategies in general and strategies for increased collaborations with the private sector in particular. Speakers and participants are invited to discuss the focus on collaboration, technology and knowledge transfer, and how strategies are developed at the university to respond to challenges and achieve strategic goals. Speakers will also provide an overview of state-of-the art methodologies that can be used to study the role of the strategic management at the university for addressing the competitive conditions and opportunities for growth. Participants are invited to contribute with their insights and questions to inspire both discussions at the symposium and subsequent research in the project.
INTERACT Symposium: Exploring the Links Between University and Industry
The symposium was held Friday 6 October 2017, 08:30-13:00 at Frederiksberg Campus, University of Copenhagen.
The aim of the symposium was to explore how we can better understand the links between university and industry. Speakers and participants were invited to discuss characteristics and implications of such collaboration for both academic institutions and companies, with a specific focus on the role of the individual. Speakers also provided an overview of state-of-the art methodologies that can be used to study the role of the individual on the university-industry nexus.
The symposium included participants from academia, public authorities, industry, and the wider policy community.
More information on the symposium, including programme
Photo: Marcel Bogers, INTERACT symposium, 6 October 2017, Frederiksberg Campus.
Advisory board and research group meeting
Thursday 5 October, the advisory board and research group held a meeting to talk about the following symposium and future of the project.