INTERACT Symposium: Exploring the Links Between University and Industry

6 October 2017, 08:30-13:00
Festauditoriet A1-01.01, Bülowsvej 17, 1870 Frederiksberg C, University of Copenhagen

This is an invitation to participate in a symposium on “Exploring the Links Between University and Industry”, organized by the INTERACT project.

The aim of the symposium is to explore how we can better understand the links between university and industry. Speakers and participants are invited to discuss characteristics and implications of such collaboration for both academic institutions and companies, with a specific focus on the role of the individual. Speakers will also provide an overview of state-of-the art methodologies that can be used to study the role of the individual on the university-industry nexus. Participants are invited to contribute with their insights and questions to inspire both discussions at the symposium and subsequent research in the project.

The symposium will include participants from academia, public authorities, industry, and the wider policy community. The symposium programme is attached. Participation is free but registration is required. Please register below by 22 September 2017.

Questions about the symposium and the programme can be directed to me or, for practical questions, to Elsebeth Vidø,, +45 3533 6891.

Kind regards,
Marcel Bogers, +45 3533 1065

About the symposium and INTERACT project

The symposium is organized by the INTERACT project, INvesTigating thE micRofoundAtions of socioeconomic impaCt of universiTy-industry relations, which is funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation and hosted by the Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO), Faculty of Science (SCIENCE), University of Copenhagen. The aim of the INTERACT project is to explore the micro foundations that underlie the transmission of knowledge from university to industry. By drawing on a micro foundations perspective, we can provide important insights into how the individual-level decisions, actions and interactions can aggregate to macro-level impact. Our research project has a large qualitative component by developing an in-depth case study of SCIENCE, which will be complemented by a longitudinal ethnographic study. These studies will also be connected to a controlled policy capturing experiment with university researchers and company employees to validate some of the mechanisms underlying the knowledge transmission from university to industry. Please see the project website for more information about the project and involved researchers.

Sign up

Deadine for signing up is Friday 22 September.

CLOSED - thank you for your interest in the symposium.

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