Aske Skovmand Bosselmann

Aske Skovmand Bosselmann

Associate Professor

Curriculum Vitae: Aske Skovmand Bosselmann              Updated Nov. 2019

At my best age in many aspects, married, two children: Nicolas (2006) and Silje (2008).


I am an expert on the socio-economics of smallscale farming and agricultural value chains, and have worked extensively with smallscale farmers and livelihood issues in a developing country context. I have acquired strong competences within proposal writing, project management, research design, data collection in the field including large surveys, quantitative and qualitative data analysis, and research dissemination. I enjoy collaborations with researchers, field assistants and staff from various international research institutions (e.g. CIRAD, CIAT, CATIE, ICRAF, IITA) across the continents. Im currently involved in research-based consultancy for the Danish Ministry of Environment & Food, supervision of MSc and PhD students, teaching agricultural value chains and coffee economics for MSc and Master classes,  and participating as PI and WP lead in three international research projects on cocoa/coffee systems,  agricultural economics and climate change with activities spanning six countries.


2019 -     Associate Professor, Institute of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO), Faculty of Science. WP lead and co-PI in CLIMCOCOA FFU-project reg. climate smart cocoa in Ghana; WP lead and co-PI in BREEDCAFS H2020-project reg. coffee breeeding for a new climate; coordinator of WeFoCoS NCF-project reg. app-development for coffee GAP; ministry commissioned work reg. standards and sustainability in the food sector; teaching in MSc course reg. agricultural value chains, supervision of MSc and PhD students.

2016 – 2019  Assistant Professor, Institute of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO), Faculty of Science

2012 – 2015  Postdoc fellow, Institute of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO), Faculty of Science.

2008 – 2012  PhD fellow, Faculty of LIFE Sciences, University of Copenhagen and CATIE, Costa Rica. Project title: “Land use change and payments for environmental services among small scale farmers”. Partially funded by Danida/FFU no. 10-08-LIFE.

2005 – 2012  Various teaching positions at University of Copenhagen.

2007 – 2008  Scientific assistant, Forest & Landscape, Faculty of Life Sciences. Main projects: cost benefit analysis of timber value chains; social valuation of forests; economic analysis of forest genetic diversity.


2012        PhD, Natural Resource Management, Policy and Economics. Faculty of LIFE Sciences, University of Copenhagen and CATIE, Costa Rica.

2007        Cand Scient. Agricultural Development. Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen.

2005        BSc. Forestry Science. Royal Veterinary & Agricultural University

Other positions

Since 2013: Member of Advisory Board, Forests of the World.

2007 – 2011: Member of Danish Network of Coffee, Tea and Cocoa. Representative of Faculty of Life Sciences 2007-2009.

2008 – 2011: Visiting researcher, Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE), Costa Rica

2006: Visiting researcher, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Colombia

2005 – 2006: Member of Board for Developing Countries, Faculty of Life Sciences (at the time KVL)

2004: Volonteer at Biological Station Jatun Sacha, Ecuador. Projects: Ecotype surveying expedition to the Sumaco Volcano for the Ecuadorian Ministry of Environment; field work assistant.

Country Experiences

Costa Rica, Colombia, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Angola for a total of 2.5 years+.

Fund raising

Larger projects and field work successfully funded:

WeFoCoS, Improved business through seasonal forecasting for coffee in Vietnam. Project coordinator and PI. Funded by Nordic Climate Facility, NCF-CPH047 in 2018. Project size 787.500 €, NCF grant 450.000 €.

BREEDCAFS, Breeding Coffee for Agroforestry Systems. WP lead. Funded by EU H2020 SFS-03-2016 in 2017. Project size 6.361.600 €, EU grant 4.200.000 €, UCPH grant-size 523.000 €.

CLIMCOCOA, Climate Smart Cocoa Systems for Ghana. Co-PI and WP lead. Funded by DANIDA in 2016, 16-PO2-GHA, 1.340.000 €, IFRO grant size 155.000 €.

VALOR. Valorizing Green Growth in Africa. Co-PI and WP lead. Funded by DANIDA in 2014, 13-02KU, 1.340.000 €, IFRO grant size 395.000 €.

Using PES to secure livelihoods and environmental services in coffee agroforests. Personal grant for PhD study, funded by DANIDA in 2008, 10-08-LIFE. 30.000 €.

Languages  Danish (Mother tongue), English (Fluent),  Spanish (Proficient)


My family, travelling, sports in general, and anything and everything related to coffee.


MSc. Agricultural Development

ID: 4229352